Due to Brian’s being snowed in on his wilderness mountaintop from mid-December into May no paperbacks can be posted. Orders can be placed and when the snow clears a Paypal invoice will be sent to you for order completion. Use eBooks until then and save big money.
“IF you know what you are looking for and it is in this list of items, click the hotlink and go directly to it.”
E-mail CONTACT. The full Viet Nam documentary, Viet Nam: “Then, Again, and Beyond.“ The Viet Nam Trilogy books, “Will He Make It” War Saga. The Life Immaculate Trilogy. The Space Egg Trilogy. The BW Book/eBook Catalog. Short & Fun BW videos. Special Payment link. BW’s Humming Blade. Donation Link. FREE Store of short stories.
Life Immaculate, the Trilogy, a Spiritual Satire.
Introducing Brian Wizard’s latest three novels within one cover, with four illustrated music videos from within the story:
Buried in the Dirt of Boot Hill

synopsis: A late 1800s gunfight in Boot Hill, Arizona.
What About Me?

The paperback is $99, plus $15 shipping. (Click HERE to order a paperback. Click HERE to order an eBook.)
The Seagull Song

On the Prowl

Wait! There’s LESS!
I am introducing the Upside-down Sale. With a twist of my wrist, I am turning the paperback price of $99 into $66. Shipping is still $15.
The EBook price becomes $6.60 instead of $9.90.
Hoo ray for discounts and the lack of capitalistic greed.
- "You never know what is going to happen next." - Jennifer
- "I love your imagination." - Sally
- A great romp through the lives of the characters.
- A refreshing explanation of life after death.
The Viet Nam War.

The Will He Make It Saga is another trilogy. Permission to Kill, combat in action. Back in the World, Brian’s return to the USA. Permission to Live, tracking down those responsible for sending him to war and making them pay. The paperback edition is only sold as a three-book set.
If you don’t have an eReader, visit Calibre and download the FREE one to your computer. https://calibre-ebook.com/download
The set of the three individual books is $99, but we’ll use the Upside-down Sale price, making it $66, plus Shipping/Handling. eBooks are priced much less, $6.60 each, with no shipping expense or delivery time. They will be downloaded into your download file or wherever your device sends such things.
I say, Go eBooks!
Click HERE to order paperbacks. Click HERE to order an eBook.
If you don’t have an eReader, visit Calibre and download the FREE one to your computer. https://calibre-ebook.com/download
Brian’s Account of His Unique Huey Helicopter Combat Experience in the Viet Nam War, ’68-‘69

The Will He Make It Saga is a trilogy of three individual books, an award-winning documentary, three music videos, and more.

Click Here, or the Play button

This is BW’s award-winning documentary (NY Indie Film Festival ’09), which documents 40+ years of dealing with the combat stress of dying and living through war and after. It’s a war of fighting the residual effects of war when attrition beats down a survivor.
Brian Wizard and various crewmembers shot the combat footage during his combat tour in 1968-’69 as a door gunner on the prestigious combat assault helicopter Pollution IV. The film-loaded camera was the state-of-the-art home movie type: Super 8mm, where the frames were 8 mm square—tiny. Hence, the poor quality. There was no sound recording. The industry had yet to learn how to spell video or HD.
This doco has three parts, three music videos, and a killer soundtrack written and performed by BW and friends.
Part 1, Thunderhawks, is an amazing depiction of a day in the life of an Assault Helicopter Company in Viet Nam. It is composed of unique combat footage shot by the crew of Pollution IV in 1969. No Hollywood remake or military/media footage. This is the real deal.
Part 2, Make Friends Not War, is a healing return trip to Viet Nam 30 years after Brian’s return from war.
Part 3, Smoke’n Our Way into History, is a showcase event at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum, Chantilly, Virginia, forty years after Brian’s return from the Viet Nam War, that keeps the story of smokeships alive forever with his donation of his combat flight helmet, as seen in action in Thunderhawks, his platoon scarf, photo and the installation of the smoke generator Brian found, bought, and is now installed on the Huey on display at the SI NASM that has a history of being a smokeship, (Smokey III) like Brian’s smokeship, Pollution IV.
This film has been in the making for forty years and may still need to be finished with another visit to Viet Nam. It is worth watching all 66 minutes, maybe more than once. Read Permission to Kill and its two sequels for more intimate details of his fight for life.
Please donate if you like this video documentary and want to support this veteran’s lifelong work in keeping history alive. https://bwizard.art/special-payment/
At this time due to technical issues, we cannot offer the documentary for free, or otherwise. This will change. For now, enjoy the story via photos taken from the documentary. A non-book reader’s dream book with 169 true photos and under 5000 words of narration.
This photo book won the best military photo book award from the Military Writers Association.
A review from a fellow airman: John Brennan, SP5 Flight Operations Coordinator with the 114 AHC, 1970-71, noted Viet Nam historian and author of the books “U.S. Army Helicopter Names in Viet Nam” and “U.S. Army Helicopter Nose Art in Viet Nam.”
Bravo, my friend, and I mean that sincerely. Hands down that is the best documentary about the helicopter war by a veteran I have seen to date. The three major parts—1969, 1999, and the Smithsonian dedication—represent a true full-circle experience yet put on film.
Your film stands alongside “The Shadow of the Blade” as the two best video presentations about the Army helicopter experience for successfully reaching beyond the threshold of the undefined and reconfirming the elements that bind us together, those of the in-country Army helicopter fraternity.
Not only was your narration insightful, genuine, and perfectly in sync with the images, but it was also playful and honest. Your documentary ends a 40-year drought of unfulfilled explanations of what went on over there in Nam and fills a huge void to the benefit of viewers now and in the future.
Congrats, Brian. You’ve done a great service to the community of man. Because of your not forgetting, history has gained a whole new bunch of pages in the chronicle of that particular time, place, and human activity.
Now ain’t that just about as cool as two shoes when walking on hot pavement? Let’s not forget these moments:
Smoke Generator Found

Above, you see the combat flight helmet I wear in my award-winning documentary about the Vietnam War as I steal the enemy flag from their compound, flying by standing on the skid of my helicopter, Pollution IV
Pollution IV was the 118th Assault Helicopter Co.’s smokeship. The NASM has a Huey that has a history of being a smokeship, that is why Roger Connor contacted me, as my book and movie tell the story of a day in the life of a smokeship in combat. After I donated my helmet and scarf, I told Roger that until he had a smoke generator in the Huey on display, he just had another Huey. Of course, his question was, “Where do we find a vintage piece of equipment like that.” I told him, “Hold that thought. I’ll get back to you.”
Soon enough, I had the missing part, and Roger installed it, so now the Huey on display is complete.

The Will He Make It Saga depicts a soldier’s daily life during the Viet Nam war from a door gunner’s perspective. Based on the author’s experience as a permanent door gunner of the smokeship Pollution IV, and then onto civilian life and the wars the author found wage from his true enemy from the beginning.
Just when you think the actions depicted in the novel PTK might be more fictitious war stories than true, watch the video Viet Nam: “Then, Again, and Beyond.” It won the NY Indie Film Fest in 2005, a Las Vegas screening, and is comprised of actual war footage shot by Brian and the crew of Pollution IV.
Written and published by Brian Wizard, with the sound track and three music videos written, performed, and edited by Brian Wizard, with friends.
Read these two short excerpts of what is in the story PTK.
When you think the actions depicted in the novel PTK might be more fictitious war stories than true, watch the video Viet Nam: “Then, Again, and Beyond.” Once it is available again, it is a must-see doco. It won the NY Indie Film Fest in 2005 at the Las Vegas screening and comprises actual war footage shot by Brian and the crew of Pollution IV.
Brian Wizard wrote, performed, and edited the soundtrack and three music videos with friends.
Meanwhile, read the photo book Smokeships Always Leading the Way or Permission to Kill for the full account of Brian’s combat tour in sunny Southeast Asia as it is composed of frames from the action documentary.
The Space Egg Trilogy
Another BW Trilogy is Space Egg, again with three novels under one cover. Pure BW sci-fi storytelling.
Yet another trilogy, all under one cover. This time in the Sci-Fi genre.
Ayre Light finds a piece of space debris that contains extraordinary powers: antigravity and perpetual motion. Of course, there is romance, adventure, aliens, and the magic of the Mobius Strip. You’ll visit the Caluron Empire and watch Ayre Light work his rebellious personality to free the subjects under the rule of totalitarianism.