Read the latest Brian Wizard books: The Making of an Angel, Being an Angel, and Enhanced Angel. Three novels all in one big book, 502 pages, 156,000 words. It’s a fun story about a human becoming an earthbound living angel. All three novels fill out the three-part story.

The best part is how the protagonist, Zephyr, decides that the best exposure to the people is to become a famous musician. This being the case, he writes songs to fit his public image. Four songs are offered FREE, as you saw on the front page. Click and listen. Each is an illustrated music video and holds a place in Zephyr’s ever-expanding musical world. It's all good fun, and it shows how the author does what any good wizard can do: turn a fantasy song into a performed reality song. There are adventure and romantic stories, and how self-determination and forethought will move the world in miraculous ways.

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