Life Immaculate, the Trilogy, a Spiritual Satire.
Introducing Brian Wizard’s latest three novels within one cover, with four illustrated music videos from within the story:
Buried in the Dirt of Boot Hill

synopsis: A late 1800s gunfight in Boot Hill, Arizona.
What About Me?

synopsis: A song about a failed angel and his inability to hear the prayers and act upon them.
The paperback is $99, plus $15 shipping. (Click HERE to order a paperback. Click HERE to order an eBook.)
The Seagull Song

synopsis: A song about life and death from a seagull’s point of view.
On the Prowl

synopsis: A song about a busker making his way into the big time as a stage performer.
Wait! There’s LESS!
I am introducing the Upside-down Sale. With a twist of my wrist, I am turning the paperback price of $99 into $66. Shipping is still $15.
The EBook price becomes $6.60 instead of $9.90.
Hoo ray for discounts and the lack of capitalistic greed.